Physio IFT, SWD, US, Elecrical Treatment in Navi Mumbai

Navi Mumbai Offers IFT, SWD, US, and Electrical Treatment Physiotherapy Techniques
Following an illness or injury, physiotherapy is essential for reducing pain, increasing mobility, and regaining function. To assist patients in reaching their recuperation objectives, a multitude of physiotherapy clinics can be found in Navi Mumbai. The four specific physiotherapy techniques that are frequently used in Navi Mumbai will be covered in this blog post: electrical stimulation, shortwave diathermy (SWD), ultrasound (US), and interferential therapy (IFT). The following subheadings, which include “Physiotherapy IFT Navi Mumbai,” “Physiotherapy SWD Navi Mumbai,” “Physiotherapy US Navi Mumbai,” and “Physiotherapy Electrical Treatment Navi Mumbai,” at least 6-7 times in the text, will elucidate a specific technique in detail.
Interferential treatment (IFT): what is it?
Interferential therapy is a non-invasive treatment option that is also known as transcutaneous electrical stimulation, or TES. It entails applying a low frequency electrical current through the abdominal wall to adjust the large bowel’s nerves. TENS units, which use very similar low frequency electrical currents for pain relief and are frequently used by laboring women, may be familiar to you.
Electrode pads are applied to your child’s back and abdomen during IFT for children who have constipation and/or soiling. Next, cables are used to link the pads to the IFT device. For the duration of their treatment plan, your child must wear the pads for one hour every day. All that children will experience on their skin is a faint pulsing sensation. In an hour, the pads are taken off and stored for the next day’s treatment session.
How frequently and where does IFT occur?
IFT is carried out at home. You will receive the necessary tools and instruction on how to operate them.
Throughout the course of three to six months, IFT must occur for one hour each day. It is best to try to use IFT every day at around the same time.

Who will instruct us on how to operate the IFT machinery?
A member of the paediatric surgery team, who specializes in treating children with complex constipation issues, will instruct you on how to use the IFT equipment in the outpatient clinic. Instruction will consist of:
- demonstration of the equipment’s use
- correct electrode placement
- suitable leads’ connections
- confirmation of IFT’s safety for at-home care
- routine that must be adhered to
- how to finish the bowel journal
- how to finish the questionnaire on symptom severity score.
Brief Wave Diathermy: What is It?
When someone has any kind of bone or tissue injury, physiotherapy uses a technique called shortwave diathermy, which produces deep heat for their joints and soft tissues. By targeting the area and penetrating deep tissues with heat generation, this technique facilitates better healing. Reducing inflammation and joint pain while improving soft tissue conditions can be accomplished with this treatment plan.
It needs to be performed by a medical professional, and the intensity of the treatment plan can vary based on the individual’s injury, recovery period, and medical history.
How SWD Physical Therapy operates
Unlike ultrasound, SWD is a more sophisticated kind of rehabilitation and treatment. High-frequency heat waves are applied to the injured area as part of SWD treatment management. It is sent to be treated using condenser plants located throughout the area and comes in two varieties. One is when heat waves are continuously produced in the impacted area, causing the area to become hotter and less inflammatory.
Pulsating waves, which happen when the heat waves break, are the other method; they are kinder to the tissue. This facilitates cell recovery and other types of healing more quickly.
How SWD Physical Therapy operates
Unlike ultrasound, SWD is a more sophisticated kind of rehabilitation and treatment. High-frequency heat waves are applied to the injured area as part of SWD treatment management. It is sent to be treated using condenser plants located throughout the area and comes in two varieties. One is when heat waves are continuously produced in the impacted area, causing the area to become hotter and less inflammatory.
Pulsating waves, which happen when the heat waves break, are the other method; they are kinder to the tissue. This facilitates cell recovery and other types of healing more quickly.
Ultrasound scan
A sonogram, also known as an ultrasound scan, is a medical procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image of a portion of the internal organs.
Ultrasound scans can be used to guide surgeons during specific procedures, diagnose conditions, and monitor unborn children.

How ultrasonography scans operate
The ultrasonic probe, a tiny device that emits high-frequency sound waves, is used.
Although these sound waves are undetectable to the human eye, they produce “echoes” when they reflect off various body parts, which the probe detects and converts into a moving picture.
This picture is shown on a monitor as the scan is being done.
Setting up an ultrasonic scan
To help enhance the quality of the images generated, you might be asked to follow specific instructions prior to receiving a certain type of ultrasound scan.
For instance, you might be suggested to:
- Water should be consumed, and you should wait to use the restroom until after the scan. This may be necessary prior to a scan of your pelvis or unborn child.
- A few hours prior to the scan, refrain from eating or drinking anything. Before having your digestive system, including the liver and gallbladder, scanned, this might be necessary.
You might be asked to take off your clothes and put on a hospital gown by the hospital, depending on which part of your body is being examined.
A tiny tube will be inserted into your arm or the back of your hand if you require a sedative to help you relax.
To enhance the clarity of the images, you might occasionally receive an injection prior to the scan of a safe chemical known as a contrast agent.

What happens during an ultrasound scan.
Most ultrasound scans take between 15 and 45 minutes. They are typically performed in a hospital’s radiology department by a doctor, radiographer, or sonographer.
They can also be performed in community settings, such as GP practices, by other healthcare professionals who have received ultrasound training.
There are various types of ultrasound scans, depending on the part of the body being scanned and why.
The three major types are:
- External ultrasound scan: the probe is moved across the skin.
- internal ultrasound scan: the probe is inserted into the body.
- Endoscopic ultrasound scan—the probe is attached to a long, thin, flexible tube (an endoscope) and guided deeper into the body.
What is electrical muscle stimulation (EMS)?
- E-stim, or electrical muscle stimulation, is the use of specialized devices to send electrical impulses through the skin to target nerves or muscles.
- There are several kinds of electrical muscle stimulation. The most common methods are transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS).
- TENS and EMS involve placing electrodes on the skin near an affected muscle to deliver an electrical current to it. This current causes muscle contractions in a rhythmic pattern.
- An early version of electrical muscle stimulation dates back to the first century. A Roman doctor discovered that patients with gout felt less pain after receiving an electrical shock.
● Doctors use electrical muscle stimulation to treat pain and heal injured, weak, or diseased muscles. Electrical currents may enhance blood flow and stimulate muscle fibers or nerves.
- Depending on the injury or condition, physicians may prescribe TENS or EMS.
- EMS may assist muscles in responding to natural signals to contract. This response aids in the strengthening or retraining of muscles following surgery or injury. TENS therapy may be recommended by healthcare professionals to improve blood flow and reduce pain. This technique enhances muscle firing patterns.
- Electrical muscle stimulation has other applications, including weight loss and physical therapy.
- Currently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA
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- has only approved electrical muscle stimulators for medical purposes. Doctors may use the devices to help patients relax.
- muscle spasms
- retrain muscles
- prevent muscle loss
Understanding these four physiotherapy techniques (IFT, SWD, US, and Electrical Stimulation) allows you to make more informed decisions about your physiotherapy treatment plan in Navi Mumbai. If you are experiencing pain, stiffness, or limited mobility, speak with a qualified physiotherapist to see if these techniques can help you reach your recovery goals.